The port placement procedure went well. We spent Wednesday night with family, which was awesome.. as we were literally less than a five minute drive from the hospital! I was able to leave the kids sleeping, while I took Derek to the hospital at 7:30am. I stayed with him until they took him away for the surgery. I then went and woke the kids, made sure everyone ate, loaded the van and back up to the hospital we all went. We were not there long, at all, before the nurse called me back to speak with the surgeon and to see Derek in recovery. When I walked past the curtain, Derek was sitting up and looked great. The nurse brought him something to eat and allowed the kids back to see their Daddy. We stayed in recovery for about two hours. Here is a picture of Derek eating in recovery. He wanted me to take a picture with my cell phone so that he could see what it looked like.

Our next step..
Monday, Derek will have another appointment with Dr. Kotsanis. That evening, Derek and I will travel to Oklahoma City, for another pet scan to take place on Tuesday morning. We will be staying the night in the Hyatt..thanks to a dear friend who not only booked our room (God bless you, Jennifer!! Thank you so much!!) I will update, as soon as I am able, after Tuesday's scan.
Other than that, we are scheduled to begin treatment (IPT/chemo), March 14th. For the first few weeks, Derek will receive two a week, then will drop down to only one treatment per week (I believe). I will give a more detailed account about this particular treatment soon.
Updated prayer requests:
1. Benign tumor on the parotid gland.
2. Successful German testing (cell/markers found and harvested, and an effective agent against Derek's tumor)
3. Traveling mercies.
4. Wisdom.
5. Finances.
6. *Above all.. God to be glorified!*
7. Thankfulness that He is.. our sustainer, comforter, provider and so much more .. Thank you, Lord that you are MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
God bless you, Friends!
Still praying for you guys! Thanks for the updates!! Keep your chin up and keep smiling!