Sunday, March 13, 2011

Answered Prayer and Questions

Answered prayer
I was asking everyone to pray for successful test results to come back from Germany. The German test results are in, and they were successful. The lab was able to harvest circulating tumor cells from Derek's blood and grow them in petri dishes, thus testing Derek's tumor with different chemo agents, as well as, a few top alternative type treatments. We have read the report, but haven't yet sat down with Dr. K to discuss, in detail, the findings. From what we could discern, the report was not written in layman terms;), there were a few chemo agents and alternative agents that were in fact very successful in killing Derek's tumor. As well, as a few that had a "neutral" effect.

After the pet scan results and reading the German test results, Derek and I are both full of questions. We have a scheduled appointment in the morning for Derek to come in on a fast in order to begin the IPT therapy. Dr. K will also go over the German test with us. We are not exactly sure, what our plan is completely until we are able to discuss our questions and concerns, etc. with Dr. Kotsanis. We want to come up with the best plan for Derek's long term success.

We have found out, that the chemo agent that had the highest kill off rate, is the same chemo agent that would be used in a typical/conventional setting against Derek's tumor. Even though this is the case, and would be covered by Derek's insurance in a typical/conventional setting, it will NOT be for IPT:/ The IPT treatments are around $1600/treatment, plus the cost (now of the uncovered) chemo agent (which I believe ranges from $25 to $50/ treatment). We are praying for provision and wisdom. We know that if this is the direction in which we are to continue that God will provide, as He has in the past.

So with that, I ask that you would continue to pray for us, and specifically for these following requests:
1. Wisdom..that we would be led by the Holy Spirit and not out of fear.
2. Peace in what God is doing.
3. Provision
4. Thankfulness for all that He has and continues to do.

As always, we thank you all so much, for taking time to read about us, your continued support, encouragement, and most especially.. YOUR PRAYERS!! He hears and He answers!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good Report, Yesterday:)

Whew! What a crazy two weeks we have had! After what felt like two weeks worth of 'roadblocks', yesterday's Pet Scan was such an awesome surprise!!
At first I thought I would give an account of the two weeks worth of frustration, but instead... I'll just say .. I have been edgy. AND for two weeks it has FELT like NOTHING has fallen into place the way I THINK it should.. it's a very long story, and I promise there is a good moral lesson in it..or at least I learned something, but for blogging sake, etc.. I'm just going to get right to the good stuff. (I'm cutting down your reading time, you can thank me later :) is exhausting;)
1. The tumor growing on the Parotid gland is BENIGN!! (THANK YOU, LORD!!)
2. The tumor in Derek's leg is contained there and there is "NO EVIDENCE of metastatic disease", as Dr. Chacko puts it. (I like that!)
3. Not ONLY is the tumor still contained in the leg, BUT ALSO the SUV values have gone down... DRASTICALLY. ( I so wish I you could hear my voice, etc. as I hear how this sounds in my head).. Last time we were in for a scan in October, the suv values were up to 7.7 at the highest/hottest spots. The 'hot spots' which are now, much smaller in size, have suv values with a range of 4. (something) to 5.3 (at the hottest!!). Most of the tumor is below a 4! (Remembering that anything with an suv value of 5 and above is considered cancerous.)
~While we are not finished, by any means, and still have a battle ahead...this is all REALLY GREAT news, especially considering that we have been off of any consistent treatment since November. In fact, I was really preparing myself for a more negative type report (Oh ye of little faith!!). Here are some of the phrases that Dr. Chacko used while talking to us regarding the scan results:
"Your immune system must be holding it off, keeping the cancer in check."
"You have been off of the DMSO treatment since November? I have nothing to attribute these results is almost , I don't know what to say..I almost want to say this is miraculous!"
"Maybe we should make a serum using your blood."
My confession:
1. I am going to say, I have NO IDEA what God is up to, but He is definitely up to something ..and any time I get to thinking I know ANYTHING, things change and I realize I KNOW NOTHING and..
2. I have NO (zero, zilch, zippo) control over ANYTHING!! (perceived 'roadblocks'!)
3. I have had a really bad attitude because I thought I knew, (see #1).. I thought, that at some point things should start getting better (last scan wasn't good results) and I was thinking we should be moving forward; the tumor in Derek's neck FELT like we were moving backwards. I just felt like, "Dang it!! Why are we having to deal with this too?" God forgive me and my lack of faith!! and....
4. What I perceive as limitations (roadblocks, see #2), are nothing, completely non-factors to God.
5. He has His timing (see #2 and #4) and it IS perfect and I have mine...and they are not the same;)
Our next steps:
This Thursday, tomorrow, Derek has a doctor's appointment with our family practice doctor in order to get on blood pressure medications, so that we can get his blood pressure down before beginning IPT treatments on Monday, March 14th. (I will post soon, giving information about IPT)
Updated prayer request:
1. Thank Him!! Join us in thanking Him for the super encouraging report yesterday, that can only be attributed to Him!
2. Wisdom...there are still decisions to be made regarding treatment from here.. we are at a good place, however, we don't want to lose any of the ground that we have gained. Although, at this point we are feeling very very confident..we are on the winning team!
3. Derek's continued health.
4. His continued provision, both financially and otherwise.

Thank you all for the love, support, and above all prayers!
Love always,

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Power Port is in Place

HI all!
The port placement procedure went well. We spent Wednesday night with family, which was awesome.. as we were literally less than a five minute drive from the hospital! I was able to leave the kids sleeping, while I took Derek to the hospital at 7:30am. I stayed with him until they took him away for the surgery. I then went and woke the kids, made sure everyone ate, loaded the van and back up to the hospital we all went. We were not there long, at all, before the nurse called me back to speak with the surgeon and to see Derek in recovery. When I walked past the curtain, Derek was sitting up and looked great. The nurse brought him something to eat and allowed the kids back to see their Daddy. We stayed in recovery for about two hours. Here is a picture of Derek eating in recovery. He wanted me to take a picture with my cell phone so that he could see what it looked like.

Our next step..
Monday, Derek will have another appointment with Dr. Kotsanis. That evening, Derek and I will travel to Oklahoma City, for another pet scan to take place on Tuesday morning. We will be staying the night in the Hyatt..thanks to a dear friend who not only booked our room (God bless you, Jennifer!! Thank you so much!!) I will update, as soon as I am able, after Tuesday's scan.

Other than that, we are scheduled to begin treatment (IPT/chemo), March 14th. For the first few weeks, Derek will receive two a week, then will drop down to only one treatment per week (I believe). I will give a more detailed account about this particular treatment soon.

Updated prayer requests:
1. Benign tumor on the parotid gland.
2. Successful German testing (cell/markers found and harvested, and an effective agent against Derek's tumor)
3. Traveling mercies.
4. Wisdom.
5. Finances.
6. *Above all.. God to be glorified!*
7. Thankfulness that He is.. our sustainer, comforter, provider and so much more .. Thank you, Lord that you are MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!

God bless you, Friends!