Hi all!! It's been a while since our last post, so I thought I'd briefly catch everyone up to speed..
We traveled to Oklahoma City June 29th for Derek's latest pet scan on June 30th. After the scan, Dr. Chacko was again gracious to explain his findings. The suv values were again down (YIPPEE!!) to 6.4!! If you remember back in November the hottest "hot spots" were 8.8, I believe, then down in March to 8.3, at the hottest, and 7.9. The significant drop tells us that what we are doing is not only holding it off, but working, as the tumor is becoming less aggressive. The tumor was slightly larger, but that could be attributed to tumor death..causes edema, or it could be slightly larger. Either way.. the cancer is becoming less and less aggressive. PROGRESS!! Whether it be small or large.. progress is still progress! We will take whatever we can get, especially considering the aggressive nature of sarcomas. We are battling a beast, and we are gaining ground!
As many of you know, we are using alternative treatments. We decided this after MUCH research and prayer. I know that the steps of a righteous man are ordered, and looking back over the past (nearly) two years, I can see God's guiding us along our way. I am grateful for His grace and mercy throughout this journey. Going alternative, while cheaper than traditional chemo and radiation, (not to mention safer and more effective!) is not covered by insurance, so most of the expenses (with the exception of the scans, blood work, and doctor visits) come out of pocket. God has and continues to provide in some of the most unimaginable ways!! We are blessed again by His provision, and will head back to Tulsa this Sunday, July 18th at 5am. We will be taking Selah with us, and leaving Nate, Hannah, and Caed with friends and family. We are leaving at 5am, as Derek's appointment is Sunday morning at 9:30. Camelot has a new doctor on staff that commutes to Tulsa every other weekend. We will be seeing her on Sunday, then staying until Monday when Derek's picc line will be resutured. (We have had minor issues with the picc line... sutures tore, sweating, seadooing, lake visits, swimming, etc. so, it needs to be checked.) We will then come home with more treatment, possibly a new treatment plan after this last Pet scan. We are excited to get to meet the new doctor, as we have heard some really positive feedback concerning her.
As always, thank you for the prayers and support... it means more to us than we could ever convey. We have been given supernatural comfort, grace and peace. We have felt His presence.
3 weeks ago
keeping you in our prayers. and oh my goodness, the picc ?? Derek sounds like an 8 yr old boy... lol seedoo, swimming...etc.. tell him to keep it up. love that he is out having fun. We are praying for you all and I am SO excited to hear the good news!!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome report!! Keep battling Derek!!