I know it's been a while since we have posted anything. We're still here!!! We've been busy with end of the school year activities, and Derek has been working quite a bit of overtime. We've been juggling schedule changes due to rain and swine flu fears!!! Anyway, Derek feels great! He has kept up the lifestyle change, and most of the protocols. The more strict he is with his diet the better he feels and the sooner we'll get through this. The tumor is still there doing its job, which is containing the bad cells until his good cells take back over. While we are still able to see/feel the tumor, he will just continue on with his protocols. He will continue the clean eating and healthy lifestyle even after the cancer is gone, just not as hard core;) As far as scans, blood work and what not, he'll be getting those to monitor his progress over the next few months. We'll keep updating as these things progress. Derek will be posting, himself soon.
As far as other Pressley news goes, we are finishing up volleyball this weekend ~YAY!~ and have several girl scout and boyscout activities planned over the next few weeks and some camps even into the summer months. Homeschooling Nate is going well...we have found our niche and are rolling along. I have all of his curriculum and it has been completely paid for thanks to a sweet gift from a special Uncle, given unexpectedly and without any knowledge of the need!! God is good and knows our needs!
Church has been fantastic, as usual. We have been learning so much over the past few months. Pastor Lee came from Atoka and taught a series about "What is a Real Man?", it was very good and I have to say that I'm soooo very thankful to be married to a real man. This series was great in that it teaches about how to raise a boy into a man, how to be married to a real man and of course challenges men to stand up and be the men of God that He has called them to be! Very good!! Brother Duane is now teaching on "Raising Teens in the Lions' Den"...all I can say is WOW!!! This series is a fantastic teaching ...we are only three messages in, and it has been very convicting, affirming...just a super message, even if you don't have children. You can log onto http://www.dsheriff.org/ to order any of these messages for FREE!!! Our church has a free tape/CD ministry!!
Well...hmmmm, I have so much in my heart that I'd like to share, but because of time restraints of the moment, I'll just have to wait until a later date.
3 weeks ago
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