Whew...we've had a busy few weeks!!
Let me get to Derek's updates first...
Derek completed his 21 day, deep cellular detoxification (http://www.drcelltox.com/). I'm so proud of his strong will and determination. He then ordered the 'Bob Beck Protocol'. There was a small misunderstanding concerning exactly what products, company, and the price of the products...so we are waiting for the rest of it to come in the mail. During this time, Derek happened upon the name of a naturopathic doctor in our area http://innovationsfps.com/wellness.html). We had our first appointment with Dr. Wilson on Wednesday, April 8th. She spent a little over two hours with Derek. She was extremely thorough. She wrote up a very strict protocol for Derek...including recipes, diet, what supplements to take when...etc. Two things that we learned yesterday were that 1) Derek's blood sugar level was slightly high and needs to come down (sugar feeds cancer) and 2) His body fat ratio was just a tad bit higher than what it needs to be, as well. I was a bit shocked by both of those little tidbits, as Derek has radically changed his diet and lost so much weight!! All in all it was a very positive experience and she gave us a great deal of information. I am learning that there is definitely an art to this...to ridding oneself of cancer the alternative way!! So...she did some tweaking to his 'treatment plan' and before long, Derek will be a lean mean cancer fighting machine!! Derek is scheduled to return in two weeks for blood work.
In other Pressley household news~
Nate got glasses and is amazed at how well he can see ~haha!! Derek got new glasses as well, and they both look very handsome in their new glasses;O) Nate crossed over from Webelos to a Boyscout; we are so proud. He had his first camp out with the Boy scouts and made it through a 5 mile hike. Hannah started volleyball and is really giving it her all!! She is having so much fun playing. We are proud of how hard she tries and her work ethic during practice. She too has been very active in Junior Girl scouts. She took a cooking class, and made a delicious dinner for the entire family complete w/salad and dessert!! She also took a cake decorating class, and made an adorable smiley face cake. Caedmon lost his first tooth!! He has been doing so well in school this year on his spelling tests, his reading and his handwriting is beautiful!! Selah does pretty well with her big girl potty and likes wearing big girl panties...sometimes. She has a huge vocabulary and cracks us up daily with the things that she comes up with...She is quite a character!! She is still the boss, or so she thinks!
Spring Break was beautiful for the biggest part of the week, and we enjoyed the time off. We stayed up late and slept in, often!! On Derek's day off we packed a picnic and headed out to Waterloo for lunch. We fished, and Derek was the only one to catch anything...one small bass. We walked around the entire 'lake', fed the ducks and finally, gave up on the fishing and played at the playground. All in all, spring break was very relaxing, and we got very little accomplished other than some good quality, family time together!!!
Once again..God has used a dear one to remind us that we are not in this alone. He has shown us, through the kindness of others, that He knows our needs and that He will provide! I am blessed by His goodness. I am amazed at His timing!! So, the following is a message to someone special...~THANK YOU~ Thank you for the card and gift!! It came at THE right time!! God knows!! He knows our needs!! And even though, we do not know who you are...God does, and I know that He will bless you! What you sow you will reap. We pray for you, and we thank God for you..for your sensitivity to the Spirit, and we thank God for your generosity:O) God bless you!!
Well...that's all I have at the moment. To each of you who take the time to check in on us, and who continue to pray for us...we thank you so much. The prayers and support we have received have kept us going. Thank you:O)
3 weeks ago
You never cease to amaze me Misty! God has given you a special bit of grace to go through all you are facing! Derek is still on our prayer list here at church and many ask often about him! We love you both - come visit us in Colorado sometime!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ronnie!! It is definitely Him!! It is absolutely His grace! Thank you to you and your church for keeping up the prayer!! Keep on, please, as we are not through this, yet!! I sincerelly hope that we can come up there sometime, so that I can hug your neck and meet so many of our prayer warriors:O)