Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The flu, failures, fears and FINALLY Fruit!!

Hi all!! It's been a while since we updated..so,I thought I'd do a quick post to let everyone know how/where we are in the midst of this winter. I call it a winter because it very much feels like that to me...in fact it feels a lot like a Texas winter to me:) Those of you who have lived in Texas or who live in Texas will understand what I mean when I say...one day it may be a sunny, 70 degree day only to come a freezing ice storm the next!!! For me, this whole ordeal has been a Texas winter... one day I feel full of faith and excited about what God is doing (a nice sunny 70 degree day) only to come down hard the next, (I'm ashamed to say) full of fear and doubt (a frigid, windy day with sleet!!). Now...thank God, those days are far and few between, and they were a lot more frequent in the earlier days following the cancer diagnosis. In fact, it is very seldom, now, that I feel the icy clutches of 'cancer'. It definitely doesn't have the power that it once did, but every now and then, those clouds sneak up on me. Now, let me say, Derek...he is awesome! ~my steady and sure ROCK!!

My fears are not in the alternative treatments. In fact, I feel very confident about the path we are on and I have a tremendous amount of faith in the wisdom of my husband. Again, I think the fear is just in getting over the word or name...'cancer'. (I'll say it again though...a fantastic friend reminded me in the beginning of this, and she is so right ...WE KNOW THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!!) I am guessing that I am human, and that overcoming fear is a part of the growing process.

The kids and I are getting over a horrible bout of the flu. EEWW!! I have not felt that bad in quite some time, and hope to not feel that way EVER again!!! I believe this is where the fear crept back in...while I was sick. I was not in the Word, we were missing church, I was not listening to praise and worship music, and I was not praying (other than begging for mercy..hehe!). I thought a lot about if we had chosen to go the traditional route, what that might have looked like, while the kids and I were so sick. Derek would have been in the midst of chemo, and most likely would had to have been hospitalized, away from us, as chemo wipes out your immune system. I thought about how I would want to be with him while he was going through that and about how much I needed him while I was so sick!! I have heard the horror stories of people going through chemo and dying from something as simple as a cold!! And so...here is where the fear came from...imaginations!!! Isn't it strange how something, whether real or not, an illusion...can cause such fear!! In the beginning, I learned to take those thoughts (all the what ifs) before the Lord in prayer and often times to crank the praise and worship music!! Praise is a powerful thing...it's hard to worry with something so small as cancer when you are focused on the glory, and awesome goodness of the Heavenly Father!! As John Mark McMillan so eloquently wrote in the lyrics to "How He Loves", "all of the sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory, and I realize just how beautiful You are, and how great your affections are for me!"

Even in the midst of winter there are some plants that still bring forth fruit!!! In fact, my dad was telling me that (I believe) it is the fig, that has two fruit bearing seasons, one during the cold of winter. It is the fruit that comes during the winter season that is considered the sweetest and most sought after of the figs!! It is smaller, but has a sweeter taste after having endured the cold hard winter!! I want to be the fig! I want to survive this 'winter' and still have fruit, in fact I want it to be the sweetest, most sought after fruit! I can not imagine coming out of this 'season' the same!! In fact, I'm sure that God is using this season to bring forth fruit! I know that there are many things that we are learning in the midst of this. I know God is working these things into His purposes. I know so many things are taking form that would not have, had we not gone through this season.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I know that God is using this season in our life for His purposes. I know that He is using this time to mold us into who He wants us to be. I believe in the midst of this, there is purpose. Not that God gave Derek cancer, but that He allowed this. He allowed this for a reason, He has a purpose and a plan. ("For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11)

I do not yet know all that is to be learned from this, nor am I sure of what ministry might be birthed from this. I am hopeful that there will be some fruit that we will see bud years from now, as a result of this season. I pray that God uses us for His glory. I believe that we are being catapaulted to a whole new level, sprititually. But for now, on a personal level, we are already beginning to see a few buds.

Budding Fruit~

Goodness there has been so many wonderful things being revealed to us that I do not even know where to begin. I think I'll begin with the sweetest...

God loves me! He loves me! He just really does, and that is being revealed to me, DAILY!! I am becoming more and more aware of His unwavering love, every day. I feel it in His word, in prayer, in praise and worship, in books that I read and most amazingly ~ through His people, some of which are strangers to me, but my spiritual family (Thank you so much, loved ones, thank you!!) It feels great! It makes me feel a bit invincible, at the moment; makes me believe that there is NOTHING, that can come my way, that as long as I cleave to Him, I can't make it through. As I recently read in a book, could it be that He has allowed me to come to the end of my own self-sufficiency just to find Him, waiting to have this kind of relationship with me...where I'd be DRIVEN to KNOW Him..the true Him; where I'd FINALLY realize my NEED for Him, and that I would learn to lean on Him and trust Him. In all His goodness, that I can comprehend at the moment...where I'm at in my walk, being human. ( I realize that I haven't yet arrived..but I want to find Him, I desire an intimacy with Him. To know His heart and to trust Him, sit in His lap and rest!) That I would come to a place where I'd NEED to learn of His true nature, not to get something from Him (although, I must admit..I am still pleading my case before Him. No doubt that I want Derek well, and here with me! I continue to ask for that! and of course I should!!), but so that I can rest in that assurance, that what ever comes my way, He will bring me through; that He is enough, in fact, more than enough; that He does in fact, have plans for me, not to harm me;o)

This has challenged me, to figure out what I do believe about God, and His goodness, and the things He allows us to go through, and it's challenged me to know what I believe about healing. I have been driven to find my own answers, not the things I had been taught growing up in a Baptist church (not that any of those things were bad...but to know for myself), and not the things I've come to believe in the charismatic circles (again..not bad, but just to dig to find my own answers.).

Another beautiful thing taking place in the midst of this, is the relationship between Derek and I. Now, don't get me wrong...we have had a great marriage, we've been and continue to be happy, in love and we enjoy each other immensely, but I'm talking about something deeper, something more significant taking form...we are becoming One. We are more of a team than ever! We are learning to listen more, to be more sensitive towards one another. Derek has been extremely patient and understanding. We talk and pray together more. We are talking things out, and walking this out together. It feels amazing. It's very powerful...it feels like ..."where two or more agree upon anything, it shall be done!"~it feels like that. Our time together in Houston, (and in Tulsa, for that matter) although tough, was precious; just focusing on the Lord and one another. It has been a really sweet time for us as a couple.

Finally... Derek has a call on his life. Although, we have not been walking in that call and have set it aside for sometime, now, I feel those gifts and callings stirring ...in the both of us! I don't know what all God has for us...but I know it must be something!! Surely, we are not to go through all that we have for nothing. I believe with all my heart that God is not finished with Derek (nor myself)..I do not believe that Derek has fulfilled his purpose, yet. I believe that there are songs in Derek waiting to be birthed, lessons to be taught, and who (other than God) knows what else...where all of this will lead. Not that we should boast in ourselves, but that we might shine a light into the darkness, share the love of Jesus with others, and to glorify our King!

Well, I'm sure what most everyone wants to know is 'How is Derek?'...sorry it is taking so long for me to get to that!! Derek is doing great! As I said earlier, the kids and I have all had the flu and in fact, passed around a few colds and what nots this winter, but Derek has not gotten ANY of the things we have had. He has NOT been sick at all this winter. He has his immune system built up to such a place, he is just not catching these illnesses that the rest of us are. He is nearly through his 21 day detox (in fact will be finished Tues.), and has been working some of his less agressive protocols...the Budwig diet (cottage cheese and flaxseed oil), and some other things that he takes orally that can make his tummy a little upset, and he has also been applying a topical salve called cansema...that I can only describe as...MEAN!! It is a pretty rough treatment, in that it goes after the tumor/cancer cells from the outside. It does not react anywhere else on his body, but the tumor site (we have tested) and it does not react on me (no cancer~again tested). It makes his leg look as though someone decided to put out a giant cigar on his thigh. We are still, basically in phase one of his treatment...in the cleaning his body preparing it for phase two, which will be going after the cancer in an aggressive way. As far as his attitude, as I said earlier...he is a ROCK!! He is positive and determined!! He is strong willed and brave! He is happy and fun to be around...he's just Derek!! You would never know by looking at him (because he looks great!!) or talking to him (because he is so upbeat!!) that he is fighting cancer!! I am very proud of him; very proud to be married to such a man! I'm blessed, very, very blessed:o)

~Thanks for reading,

Monday, February 2, 2009

No More Starbucks...or do I?

Hello everyone, Derek here. My wife told me a few weeks back that many people are curious and interested in what I am doing in my fight against cancer. I have tried to determine what to write. The real problem with this is, “Where do I start?”
I don’t know the span of my audience, or what time they may have to read, but if I may, I will start from what was the beginning, for me.

I have discovered and learned more than I ever intended to about one dreaded and feared word,…..cancer. Like many others, I, too…watched the doctors’ face (and my spouse’s) as the word “malignant” emitted from his shocked lips while reading through the pathology report. I felt as if Mike Tyson, in his younger career (of course), had just given me a body shot to the abdomen. ‘Malignant’….mal…very bad….It was like I was now that prince in “Sleeping Beauty” with that Maleficent ‘witch’ laughing in my face.

For several weeks, I have to admit, I was scared… even frantic. I remember going aside to have ‘crying spells’ after watching my children play, thinking about the future, thinking about death, reading 5-yr survival statistics, wondering what my family would do, etc., yet all the while trying to ‘look’ strong. I remember everyone leaving the house one day while I took care of my 2-yr old, Selah, and bursting into tears as I did something as simple and wonderful as changing a diaper. I then realized how I have taken life for granted and how fragile life really is. I remember her smiling, laughing, talking, and then prancing away into the living room while I then burst with tears and screams into my pillow begging God to help me. Not since my dad passed away (from cancer 8 years ago) had I wept so hard and uncontrollably. I could only keep repeating between sobs one word…. “Jesus…Je-sus….JE-SUS!!” Afterwards, I knew He had heard my cry and had seen my tears…for I immediately felt a peace moving on me. I envisioned myself sitting in His lap, broken…and clutching Him. That was the first turning point…I know a name above ALL names…even cancer.

“Learn and live. If you don't, you won't."-U.S. Army training film, WW II

I found this quote recently and I feel it sums up a lot of what my mindset has become during all of this. To make a long story short, I began my tedious research on cancer. I had to stop going to any websites sponsored or endorsed by mainstream orthodox medicine. I determined that there is no 5 yr survival rate for me,…it’s either 0% or 100%. I learned that the traditional, most accepted treatment methods for cancer are limited to just three: surgery(to remove the cancer/tumor), radiation, and chemotherapy. Through my research, I also discovered, on the other hand, there are over 300+ alternative (non-toxic) treatments for cancer. I discovered that for the last 100 years different men and women have been successfully treating and “curing” cancer. Yes, that’s right…curing. Ok, Derek, “now you are mistaken” you may be saying. But, do your research. The internet is a wonderful tool. Yes, there are quacks, frauds, snake oil salesmen, etc., but there is also the TRUTH, and much of which has been suppressed by those who are motivated by greed. It’s just that simple, and that disturbing. Don’t get me started on the FDA, AMA, etc. Just look up men like Royal Rife (Rife machines/Frequencies, his lab was raided by FDA, documents/research/patient files and equipment destroyed or confiscated), Max Gerson (Gerson Therapy), Dr. William Kelley, Dr. Josef Issels, Dr. Dan Rogers, Dr. Contreras, Dr. Ralph Moss (who was fired for refusing to go against his moral conscience concerning Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital’s attempt to cover up the efficacy of Laetrile Therapy [Apricot seeds]), Bob Beck (NASA scientist, Bob Beck Protocol), Dr. Warburg, Dr. Matthias Rath, Linus Pauling, Ph.D., and many others. Some pioneering women also: Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. Johanna Budwig (Budwig Diet).

Many of the above pioneers in alternative/non-orthodox cancer treatment were persecuted greatly by the AMA, FDA, etc. I was SHOCKED at what I continuously read about the ‘corruptness’ of the “The Cancer Industry.” Conspiracy Theories…..? You bet. Research for yourself.

So,…anyway, I was turned away by Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa. I LOVED the atmosphere here and the fact that they treat the WHOLE person, not just symptoms, were open to alternative treatments, and offered conventional treatment,…But, alas, Dr. Rivers did not want to treat me as Liposarcoma is extremely rare. He was not sure of himself, I guess, and referred me to the famous MD Anderson Cancer Center.

It was after going to Houston that I decided not to go with traditional/orthodox treatment. We traveled down there twice. Once to meet the Dr., who was very arrogant and when I had questions, she just replied, "You're at MDANderson now!" (Like, I would be saved now?) She looked at me funny when I explained all my natural supplement and strict diet protocols, gave the standard responses to any notions of alternative slant and on to the next customer, I mean patient. MD Anderson was like a city for the nation of cancer. They could have put up golden arches and put, "Millions and Millions served." Although I of course never experienced the Jewish Holocaust of WWII, I imagined this place as a type of ‘Cancer Holocaust.’ I have never seen so many tired, sickly, pale, crippled, maimed, sad and scared people in one place in my life. It was not comforting or uplifting AT ALL. My wife burst into tears during our first visit to the ‘sarcoma unit’ as returning patients limped or hobbled back and forth (Liposarcoma tumors appear frequently in the limbs). I was confused when two women without hair who seemed excited as they told us that they have made it 3 yrs so far, only to see the cancer come back.
My experience between CTCA and this place was like night and day. At MD Anderson they treat you like a number and everything feels like you are a product being sent down the factory line. The second visit was to experience all the tests: blood draw, CT Scan with the barium shake, if you could call it that, and barium enema. The allergic reaction to iodine was unpleasant. The MRI was the least invasive scan, although I felt like the machine was trying to devour me as it made lots of loud clicking and buzzing sounds. I imagined what went on in the minds of others that had been through what I was experiencing. It was quite overwhelming.

Anyway, they took their time in contacting us, scheduling appointments, which gave me a lot of time to think and read about the 300+ alternative treatments available out there. Thank God. I now realize the CTCA/MD Anderson experience were obviously part of God’s plan for me. I needed to see and experience this. I have walked this road. I then came to a ‘fork’ in the road, and like the famous author determined,… “I took the road less traveled.”
Misty had a feeling that I had been praying and seeking God for wisdom and guidance as to what we would do, and that I was leaning towards ALL alternative. This was much to the fear of many family and friends, but, I have NEVER felt peace about chemo or radiation. The statistics are undeniably negative, or should I say ‘grave.’ 1.Tumors (symptoms of cancer) always come back after surgery if the ‘cause’ is not addressed. 2.Radiation CAUSES cancer! (That one is a no-brainer) 3.Chemo is straight up poison into your blood veins without the ability to differentiate between good cells and bad cells. There are indeed some exceptions with these treatments and favor better results with ‘some’ cancers. But, there are MUCH better, more efficient methods of either destroying cancer cells or even ‘reverting ‘ them back to good cells available through alternative treatments. I believe like Max Gerson's daughter, Charlotte, who runs the Gerson Clinic in Mexico, said, " You CANNOT cure with poison!!!" My immune system is too important to compromise. I believe now that only God, my body (which He fearfully and wonderfully created), natural foods and herbs, and various simple treatments/protocols invented by humble men and women, (not brainwashed by Big Pharma and the medical industry living “Inside the Box”), can heal me of this ‘cellular malfunction’ in my body. I knew, deep inside me, that if I give my body what it needs and rid myself of fear, toxins, etc, then my body, given time, will ultimately heal itself.

I decided to step ‘outside’ the box of traditional thinking. Emerson, Thoreau,…Mr. Keeting would be proud… maybe. I asked God to show Misty and to give her peace about my decision. It was difficult at first, but God began to show both of us along with confirmation after confirmation from His word, worship music, pastors, and others, that this is the right path. For the first time, we got a huge breakthrough in the ‘spirit realm’. It was on that particular day that we both felt like a 2 ton weight had been lifted and we no longer had that terrible ‘cloud’ of FEAR looming over us. It was that day that I walked back in forth in our living room telling my wife, and myself, with tears in my eyes and sudden boldness in my mouth that: 5 years was unacceptable, having my leg amputated was unacceptable, not even a limp, 10 yrs, 20 yrs…the Word promises at least 70 or in some places 120. I believe in that. I felt a boldness rise up in me that I have never experienced before. This was where the rubber met the road for me concerning my belief in healing, God’s promises, God’s (true) provision through man, etc. Believe me…I wanted an ‘instant’ healing, but God is doing something different. Misty and I are walking this out. So,… I am learning to trust, cleave, and believe. I will praise Him in the storm. Either God can be trusted and accountable for what He promised, or…well….the other. I also determined from then on to focus on “the healer” and not “the healing.” Like Kenneth Hagin’s daughter said to her mother once, “Well, if daddy says I am healed and gonna be ok, …then it must be so!!”…and she ran back outside to play. Out of my hands and into HIS. Letting ‘Daddy’ take care of it.

So now for my choice of protocols. First, and foremost, I knew that Misty and I would attack this spiritually. We searched our hearts for anything unpleasing, detrimental, sinful, etc. that might be hindering us in ‘walking this out’. We asked God for discernment where humans can fail. We cast down everything demonic. When fear would rise up, we would put in praise and worship music: Hillsongs, Gateway Church, Jesus Culture, Christ For the Nations, Kim Walker, Kari Jobe, Misty Edwards, Keith Green, John McMillen?, Riverwalk Fellowship “DNA”(Steve Solomon), and….especially….KIM CLEMENT. (Side note: If you have never heard his music or experienced the ministry of Kim Clement and his prophetic gifting, you are truly missing out on one of God’s anointed men.) My wife would put in praise and worship music often at home while I was at work. All the while, I too, was ‘letting the praises flow’ at work. We also would speak the word. We then had many opportunities for ‘hands’ to be laid on me. I have been anointed with oil. I have even had as many as 15 or 20 kids from children’s church pressing in, touching my body, believing for my healing. The prayer of faith is powerful for sure. Many comforting, prophetic words were spoken over me (us). I have had the daughter of a friend, on her own, request her mother to bring her to my house to share something with me that she felt applied to my situation….It was the story of David and Goliath. I had a good buddy of mine, Larry, speak from God to me 3 times within a few days. I brought my van in to his shop. As I was pulling it in to be fixed, he said he asked God to show him what was wrong with it. He popped the hood, listened closely,…it had a bad vacuum leak. He felt around blindly behind the engine and found the leaking hose. We fixed it in less than 5 minutes. He said later to me on the phone, “If God cared enough to show me quickly what was wrong with your van, how much more does he care about ‘fixing’ you and your body?” BAM!

Church has become regular again. I am ashamed to have been away so long. God never leaves us. His mercy is great. I anticipate and long for each worship opportunity and the teaching/preaching of the Word of God, which is medicine to my flesh. We often read “out loud” all the healing scriptures in the Word. We read the fantastic and powerful prayer in the book, “Rules of Engagement” given to us by Pastor Jeff Davis (Victory Life, Sherman). Whew! Talk about powerful… and it will improve your vocabulary too! We cling to Dodie Osteen’s comment in her book, “Healed of Cancer” about letting man do what he can, and then trust God to do the rest (what man can't do). She used the story of Lazarus to make this point: after men rolled away the stone of Lazarus' tomb, JESUS did what they thought imossible by raising Lazarus up, from the dead!! I also am encouraged by the fact that every time Jesus fell down from the weight of the cross, He got up. And, for certain, I also take assurance in the fact that “by His stripes, I am HEALED.” I told my wife to start seeing me as healed. I told my kids to do the same and told them about God’s promises and His will to heal. I asked them if they believed it,…they said…Yes! In the mouth of babes…child like faith…could be my most powerful protocol?

Secondly, I knew after all my research, that I believed and embraced the theory that disease, germs, microbes, viruses,….are not the problem, it’s the “terrain.” Louis Pasteur, on his deathbed, recanted his original belief about germs (germ theory) and believed that it was the ‘terrain’ that brought on sickness, not the individual germs, viruses, etc. But, you never read about his change of theory in the history/science books. First of all, traditional medicine, concerning cancer and all diseases, is simply ‘disease’ or ‘symptom’ oriented. They go after the tumor, the germ, the microbe, while failing to address the ‘cause’. They only treat the symptoms! A tumor is just a red ‘dash light’ warning you that something is WRONG! They swat mosquitoes with little and BIG swatters/devices, chemicals, etc., but the mosquitoes keep coming back. They have not addressed “the cause.” Alternative medicine, which by the way most of which is NOT FDA approved (not profitable), seeks to “drain the swamp.” You won’t have mosquitoes in clean, fresh flowing water, they only seek habitat in stagnant, polluted water. Another example is this: if you have a fish that is diseased in a stagnant pond, you can’t save the fish by cutting on it, radiating it, or poisoning it, but instead, replacing the stale, stagnant water with fresh and making sure it has the right pH balance, not too acidic or alkaline. Then, the fish will heal on its own. People who have swimming pools know what happens when you neglect proper pH balance. Here’s another example: If you put a block of cheese under a glass, in a few days it will develop mold on the outside. You can ‘cut’ the mold off, but it will soon again be covered. You have not addressed the cause. It’s the terrain, the environment! Vultures only come around that which has become dead.

Soon enough it was crystal clear that I knew that those men and women (labeled as ‘quacks’ by those in bed with Big Pharma) who advocated detoxing the body, building back up the immune system, eating the RIGHT foods prepared correctly, exercise, sunlight, prayer, positive thinking, etc., were right and this was the road I would travel.

Before I give specifics as to what I personally am doing with my condition, I must emphasize that getting over the “FEAR” of the word “cancer” was of utmost importance for me! That was indeed only overcome by the power and sovereignty of God! Cancer doesn’t scare me anymore. I believe that is saying a lot. If you could have seen me initially for a few weeks after the diagnosis, you would understand. Some may think I am in denial…we will see. Take note,…the more you learn about your enemy, especially in shadow of the presence of the Almighty God in your ‘camp,’ the less you fear that enemy, and actually become quite a confident young shepherd boy wielding that ‘stone’ which is CHRIST!! Like David in scripture, I have learned to prophesy concerning my situation and the territory/terrain of which I have authority over. I am taking my stand as did David against this Goliath, declaring to my enemy that God will soon deliver him into my hands. Just as David destroyed a giant with a single stone and used Goliath’s own sword to sever his head, I too am taking that which the enemy has wielded against me and will turn the tide in my favor. I am made in the image of God. I am built to win. I will get more out of cancer than cancer will get out of me.
And now…what I am doing in the natural.

Lifestyle Change

Before my tumor was removed back in October, I weighed 217 lbs at 5’8”. Today, I weigh 185. I used to worry that I had that wasting away condition of many cancer patients, but I am pretty certain it is not that. I still have a great appetite and would love to eat things I used to, but wisdom has shown otherwise. Here are the changes I made and continue to make.

-No more white sugar. I only sparingly consume honey, agave nectar, or pure maple syrup and natural sugar from fruits, especially the ones that are detrimental to cancer cells even though they contain natural sugars (Sugar feeds cancer, as it has nearly 20 times more insulin receptors than normal cells and has to have a lot more of it to produce the same amount of energy as normal cells. Cancer uses ‘glycogenesis’ to produce energy where it ferments sugars. Forget what oncologists say about it, they are wrong. You must limit sugars, especially those quickly absorbed by the blood. Natural sugars are best to consume, if any)

-No coffee, colas, caffeine, artificial flavors or preservatives, MSG, Aspartame, overcooked foods, fried foods, no meats, no dairy, no flour breads, anything on the ‘aisles’ of the food store (dead food), microwaved food(changes molecular structure of food [blood for transfusions can’t be microwaved, nor baby food, think about it!] Basically, I drink only pure water (no tap) or freshly juiced juices from organic sources if possible. I stay away from all hydrogenated fats and oils. I use olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil. I have a juicer and use it as often as I can. Mostly carrots, beets, chard, and celery, and any fruit like apples, pears, etc. I eat organic when I can get it and I eat the SEEDS with the fruit, especially grapes. I don’t have the space to explain this, so research for yourself, especially concerning the power of apricot seeds!

The hardest things to give up were…well many of the above. One of the hardest was, of course, greatly limiting my sugar intake. I now relish food with natural sugar, and it’s so much better for you: figs, dates, honey, maple syrup, apricots, etc. Another hard one to give up was…STARBUCKS. Coffee is very acidic and most, if not all people with cancer have bodies that are too acidic. You must eat foods that balance your pH. Many Americans eat much more acidic causing foods than they do alkalizing foods. Before my diagnosis, I was spending a small fortune at Starbucks, had my own grinder, coffee pots, presses, percolators, etc. I was a coffee freak. I also was very fond of these cinnamon rolls at a bakery near work. I also didn’t exercise frequently. I also had a lot of stress leaving teaching and entering a new career field. All of these had to have been contributing factors to cancer forming in my body.

As fate would have it, I now still drink coffee, but in a slightly different manner…Coffee Enemas. I know most of you are ready to quit reading now, but again, research lead me to this. Read about "the Gerson therapy" and many other cancer protocols and coffee enemas are part of it. Coffee, with caffeine, has the ability to stimulate the liver to release toxins built up from cancer cells being destroyed and moved out of the body. It also acts as a solvent in cleaning out and releasing things from your bowels that you do not want to think about. It is also rather unpleasant to perform. I demand that my wife not enter the bathroom during treatment. It has become normal life for now. I must say that I do feel a lot better after doing these. However, I also suffer immensely from the longing to drink the coffee with frothed milk and sugar, Americano style, as the aroma fills my nostrils while preparing it for....well, my therapy. LOL!

I also avoid fat and fried foods as they cause sludge on my cell walls and make it hard for them to absorb oxygen and nutrients. Cancer thrives in an anaerobic, acidic environment. I do sometimes eat a little bit of chicken with a salad or in a Mexican dish, along with a little cheese. I try to eat bigger meals before 1 pm instead of dinner. Cancer patients need the body to be using enzymes created by the pancreas and supplementing to digest and break down the protein barrier that protects cancer cells instead of digesting food, especially at night. No cereal before bed ever again! Green foods are important. I eat anything that looks like a 'tumor' in nature. (God gives us signature foods, or "sign-n-nature" foods) Floured Bread with yeast are not good for me now because of it being fermented in the body, which cancer likes. I eat Ezekiel bread or muffins produced from sprouted grains. I have dropped 'dairy' also, except a little cheese, and of cours cottage cheese in the Budwig Protocol. I am a frequent customer at Green Market Foods in Sherman, Tx. I eat mostly anything that will mold if left out a few days. My cells need living food, like carrots, broccoli, etc., and NOT nutrient enriched macaroni and dead processed cheese. I am mostly vegetarian... for now, again with a little organic chicken and clean (mercury free) fish, but no red meat at all (the fat, antibiotics, growth hormones,etc). I eat a lot of nuts, except peanuts, forbidden due to funguses and manner of production. Organic Almonds are staple, apricots, figs, raisins, coconut, herbal teas, green tea, etc. Essential Fatty Acids are important and I get these from flax oil, olive oil, and fish oil. I try to eat the Budwig Diet protocol daily, which is 6 tablespoons of pure unrefined flax oil mixed with 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese. Curious as to why? Google... “the Budwig Diet + cancer”.

I immediately knew after my surgery that I needed to not only change my diet and start exercising, but to also to first Detox my body. You can’t expect nutrients to be absorbed efficiently or wastes/toxins to be removed effectively without detoxing your bowels, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and most importantly….the liver. I had to get clean pipes and plumbing!) I did a week long detox, and I believe this helped me break sugar cravings and also help me lose excess weight. As the weight dropped from detox and diet change, I began to feel better and much more energetic. My wife noticed my skin looked healthier, nails grew fast, hair grew fast (hope the thinning on top will stop, lol), etc. I began to get out in the sun more (this is important for cancer patients according to my research, 15-20min/day), I bought a bike to ride with my kids, and jogged outside when I could.

I haven’t covered everything, there is so much more I could write and explain, but this is a long blog as it is. I just wanted everyone to know that I feel better and healthier than I did before my diagnosis. Even though there is a mass/tumor currently still present in my left posterior thigh, I don’t feel any pain. The tumor is just there. It doesn't seem to be getting any larger. My supplement protocols and diet, I believe, are holding off metastasis, and my body will soon take back over and the tumor will shrink and dissipate. I believe the tumor is only a symptom, a signal that I have work to do to get my body re-claimed and in the healthy condition God intended for it to be in and function. All the above factors: faith, prayer, music, diet, exercise, supplements, protocols, sunlight, etc. have given me the strength to move through this valley. I feel GREAT! Also, I am not alone in this by no means.

My wife is the best, by the way! I could not be were I am at today without her by my side. I don’t really know how to close this, but I just want to say that I FEEL everyone’s prayers!! I know that there are many factors unseen by human perception that are sustaining me this very moment. I appreciate everyone who prays for us. Thank You!

I will list the main areas of my alternative protocol treatment below. If you want to now more specifically what supplements/devices/oils/pastes, etc. that I am implementing, just email me at souljourne@msn.com

The following protocol is what Dr. Gary Tunsky (http://www.drcelltox.com/ ) has started me on. There are 3 phases. Here are 10 bullets that sum it all up:
Cellular Detoxification (Whole Body)
pH balancing
Vibration Therapy (Frequency/electromedicine/ Bob Beck Protocol)
Microbe annihilation
Cell Apoptosis
immune system building
Circulation (Blood/Lymph)
Toxic emotion elimination (anger, stress, bitterness, etc. )

(other) Detox Methods: liver compress, olive oil/castor oil rub down with hot bath and wrap (sweating) Saunas (Far infrared)
Epsom salt baths, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) baths, Celtic sea salts/mineral baths. "

The BEST books that I have gathered much knowledge and treatment methods from are:

"Cancer Free," by Bill Henderson (Bill Henderson Protocol) His book is worth gold. He has done his research and I hope God blesses him for it.


"Cancer: Step Outside the Box," by Ty Bollinger (another great e-book, he will even send you his book for free if you can't afford to pay for it, he's that determined to help people. He should know, he lost 5 family members to cancer, including his mom and dad)


Here are some quotes and some websites:






God Bless...