We have been researching alternative treatments and clinics for nearly a year now... We are fortunate to have found a place near us that specializes in various types of cancer treatments and cancers...including sarcomas. We have been led to the Camelot Cancer Care Clinic in Tulsa, OK. They have an impeccable reputation. We have been researching this clinic since March. They have a very effective treatment for sarcomas, which was the main thing we were looking for (alternative treatments for sarcomas). It was very refreshing to finally find a clinic that puts into practice the various types of alternative treatments that Derek has been researching and looking for. I could tell you some about the treatments, but mostly if you are curious or have questions about them it is best to email or call and let Derek tell you about them, because he is a wealth of information:) I can tell you some...he will have a port placement surgery, just as he would if he were having chemo. He will then begin intravenous treatments that same day, I believe, and will continue to have intravenous treatments every single day for 20 days. He will have a PET scan at the end of treatments to see that the cancer is gone. Insurance will only allow for PET scans every three months, so we are still needing to find out if we should go ahead and have a PET scan now and then wait until January to have another one to see that the treatments got it all. There are still details to work out, and some things I'm sure we will not know in full until we get there and get started:)
Because these intravenous treatments are considered alternative and non-conventional, insurance does not cover it, except for the port placement surgery (after we have paid for it, up front, we will be reimbursed) and the PET scans (once every 3 months). Derek's mom is going to use some of her retirement and sale stock to pay for the treatments...close to $10,000. I have to say that even though that seems awfully steep...it is still a great deal cheaper than if we were having the traditional chemotherapy and radiation...those treatments are extremely expensive, even with insurance paying for most ...our deductibles and copays would have well exceeded the $10,000 treatment cost. Mostly...I can not put a price on Derek's life:) Words cannot express my thankfulness to Linda (Derek's mom) and his siblings. His brother and sister let him know that they were not interested in any inheritance..what they want is for Derek to have a long healthy life. They want holidays and family get togethers. They want their nephews and nieces to have their Daddy. Even though, I know that Derek's family does not need my gratitude ...I just couldn't put it into words..there are not enough words to express my appreciation for what they are doing and sacrificing.
We are all going...we are taking the kids with us. We are still making calls about where we will be staying, trying to find the most affordable place. Camelot has sent a list of places that offer rooms/suites and even apartments at reduced or reasonable prices. They sent us a list of about five places to call. Using their list, the cheapest place I spoke with, was offering a suite w/a fully stocked kitchen, bath and two rooms for $65.00 a night, and the most expensive was a lady (whose daughter had treatment w/Camelot) who manages an apartment complex offering us a bottom floor, 2 bed/2bath, fully furnished, fully stocked kitchen for $100.00 dollars a day...$2,200. At this time, we do not have the money for either of those places:) BUT... I have a friend..who has a friend, who has a brother (yea, it's that kinda thing) that works for the company that owns several hotel chains..including Comfort Inn. She is going to see if her friend's brother can get us something cheaper. Where ever God guides, He will provide:)
Derek has cleared the three week vacation/extended sick leave with his boss. His boss told him.."Go and take care of your health and your family. We will cover for you as long as you need us to." However, his boss is not in charge of time off pay, etc. and so some of our time away will be with out pay. We could wait until January, but have decided to go ahead and go through with this plan right now, rather than wait. It is not that Derek is feeling bad or anything. We have just prayed and decided that we would rather go seek treatment while he still feels great, rather than wait until we 'have' to go somewhere.
Even though these treatments are not nearly as rough as chemo..they are still tough. He will have nausea, headaches, fever, chills, body aches, etc. This will not be easy. I will be very honest here, and say that because of that..I have a lot of fear and anxiety. I do realize that it is a necessary part of it to rid our lives from this cancer. I am just a little scared to see him sick, and unsure exactly how sick he will be...again the fear of the unknown. At the same time, the lady from the clinic told us that when he feels awful, that that is a time of celebration, because we know that the treatments are killing off the cancer...it is beginning to take effect. So...I think at the same time I would probably freak out a little if he did not have some sort of sickly reaction.
Derek has said that he is not scared. He continues to be so upbeat and positive, my ROCK...even while I struggle. I have a variety of emotions right now...excitement, nerves, fear, anxiety, hopefulness...mostly that..mostly hopeful!! I am full of hope. I have tremendous peace about this place. I am just ready! Ready to be done!
So...here are our immediate prayer request:
1. Most of the time patients do not need any more treatment than the first 20 days...pray that we would be among those patients not needing to return for additional treatment.
2. Finances to fall into place.
3. Wisdom for the doctors and for us.
4. PEACE...no fear.
5. My kids...just for them in general, this has been a long, tough year and even though they have been absolute troopers and blessings, it's been tough..they have had some heavy things to deal with this past year. I know that in the end we will all be better for having gone through this:) We praise God because we KNOW that He works ALL things together for our good...even what may have been intended for evil, He can turn around in our favor.
6. That we get rid of this cancer and that it does not return. CANCER FREE
**If you all could... from November 1st until November 22nd have Derek's name added to your church's prayer list and keep it on there for the duration of our time in Tulsa..would mean so much to us. I know the prayers of others have sustained us this past year:)**
Much love and gratitude,
3 weeks ago