Hi All...
Wow! It's been a while... there is much to tell, but because of time restraints, I will make this short.
I am homeschooling all three school aged Pressley children this fall. I have decided to do this for a variety of reasons. One is to free us up so that if we are needing to go somewhere for treatment...we have the ability to do that and take the kids with us. It will also be easier for them to go stay with family, if they are not tied to public school. Anyway...we are really enjoying our time of schooling together. So far, so good. It is work...it has been a challenge juggling all three at different developmental stages, but we are working it out and getting into a groove. It is my hope that we will learn to work together as a team..a well oiled machine by the end of the school year. While I say that it is work, it is also very enjoyable. I find myself, at different points throughout the day, wondering why I have not done this sooner!!! It is very rewarding, to me as a parent, to sit down at our kitchen table and work with the kids. I enjoy our daily Bible study with Nate and Hannah. I love having Caedmon, cuddled up close on the couch, sounding out words in one of his readers!! It's also been a huge relief to have homework free evenings. I am staying sane without the added frustration of juggling homework, kids' schedules, meal preparation, and bed time every evening. We are way more relaxed. It's just proved to be a huge blessing at this time.
As for Derek, he just walked in the door from running five laps around our neighborhood. He continues his cancer fighting regimen. Although, he has been a bit lax throughout the summer, he is getting back into the groove of his hardcore protocols...including strict diet, exercise (we are both beginning P90X today!!), detoxification, etc. We have found an alternative treatment clinic, Camelot Cancer Care, in Tulsa that is having wonderful success against sarcomas!! They encourage a PET scan to see where we are in our fight. Once we have the results we will be making more decisions about either continuing in the way that we are currently treating or having Derek go to Tulsa and receive more aggressive intravenous treatments as a patient. We do not yet have all the details to this plan worked out, but will keep you posted as things come together:) Please be in prayer about these things, with us.
Thanks for your love and prayers,
3 weeks ago