Friday, January 23, 2009

A short note to our 'Scouting Family'

Derek and I just want to extend a huge heartfelt thank you to those of you who are in Scouts with us (Girls and Boys...especially Boy Scouts!) Thank you for the patience of our den's parents with Derek's absence. A special thank you to Laura and Jennifer and especially Bruce for taking up the slack. You are special people. We love each of you from Pack 45 and Troop 72. Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for your prayers and encouragement during this season in our life. God bless each of you!
Misty and Derek
PS..In order to give some of you in pack 45 an opportunity to win (hehehe), we will not be attending tomorrow's Pinewood Derby. Hahaha! Just kidding..Derek will be asleep after his shift, getting ready for another 12 hour shift and I ...know nothing about this derby stuff, and have a sore throat. Good luck and have fun!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Really Short...Update

Hi Loved Ones!! we go! We have a doctor that we are going with...his name is Dr. Tunsky. We met Dr. Tunsky about eight years ago, when Derek was searching treatment options for his dad. While visiting a very big church in Frisco, Derek went forward and asked for prayer for his father. They prayed for Derek's dad and a lady gave us one of Dr. Tunsky's cards. Although, Derek's dad did not use him, he met with both, Derek and I, and spoke with us in depth about cancer and health. I do not know why we have not been in contact with him up until this point!!! Anyway, he had his headquarters in the Dallas area back then, but now lives and works out of Florida. He continues to work in the Dallas area with contacts here and does consulting by phone. Today when Derek spoke with him, he was in Tennessee speaking at a conference. Derek will begin a cellular detox for starters. He informed Derek that the detox that Derek had done in November, although good, was like a surface cleaning and Derek needs a deeper detoxification at the cellular level. He said basically what Derek had done was a "dusting but needs a deep scrubbing!". After the detox, he will have Derek on an agressive protocol. We do not know yet, what all that will be, but Derek has his next consultation next Thurs. He told Derek that Derek was on the right path, but needed a guided protocol tailored to Derek's body,( once we have the proper diagnostic scans). Derek will have to stop some of the supplements and what not that he has been doing once he gets into the more aggressive phases of his treatment, as they will interfere or react adversely to the more aggressive protocol. Dr. Tunsky is a Christian man, full of wisdom and has written several articles about cellular health. He has guided many people with cancer and other illnesses back to health. A question that some have asked is that we continue to have scans to be sure that what we are doing is working and that the cancer has not spread. Dr. Tunsky wants to do his own scans and tests to know exactly what is going on in Derek's body. So, when this is over we will have those scans and what not to be sure! As you can see, I do not know all of the ins and outs about this, as of yet, but will have more answers next week. I believe Derek will be posting soon to let everyone know what is going on and how things are. Many have asked that he post what he is doing, so be expecting that post before too long!!

Well, that's all that I have at this moment, but Derek will be posting more as he has time. Things have been a little hectic around here, trying to get everything in order to get Derek on the right path and getting things together for Nate's education in the home. We appreciate the continued prayers and support!!
Updated prayer requests:
1. WISDOM!! (for us and Dr. Tunsky)
2. Derek's immune system to function as God intended.
3. The bad cells to die or revert back to good.
PS. According to Dr. Tunsky there is an exact art to this treatment. He said that what we have right now is a bunch of missing pieces to the puzzle, and that what he is going to do is gather information about what is going on in Derek's body and fine tune the right protocol for him. He said that what we will be doing will actually be going after the cancer cells in a lot more aggressive manner than chemotherapy, but without harming Derek's good cells, keeping the immune system intact and promoting health.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Quick Updates...

I just wanted to let everyone know where we are at this time.

In my last post, I let everyone (that didn't already) know, that we have decided to go completely alternative. We have found a few places where Derek can receive those treatments (the ones that we can not do at home). He has an appointment with Sunridge Medical Wellness Center in Scottsdale, Arizona scheduled for January 19th. We also have another clinic in mind, that might be a bit more aggressive, but is further away. We also have a few new, local contacts that might be beneficial, as well. We will keep you updated as to how this all progresses. He has already begun some alternative protocols here at home, and has been in touch with a trusted Naturopathic doctor by phone. Derek feels terrific, but just like some conventional treatments have their side effects and can be difficult, some of these are rough as well. Please continue to pray for Derek, as he walks this out. He has had some nausea, and pain at the tumor sight. We are sure that God will continue to lead us in the right direction. Interestingly enough, there are around 350 alternative cancer treatments out there, with only about six or seven for more advanced cancers.

On another note, we have decided to bring Nate home to home school. We have prayed about this decision for a little over two years. We have not had peace about that decision, until now, and for whatever reason, feel that the Lord is telling us that now is the time to do it. I want to add that I love our local school system and it has nothing to do with failure on the school's part. The school is very restricted in how they are able to deal with different situations as they arise. Our middle school principal is a fabulous educator and really does care about these kids. He has been very diligent to address issues as they are brought to his attention. I have never contacted him that he did not deal with things IMMEDIATELY!! I could go on and on about my love for our local school, but still, it is just to Nate's benefit that we bring him home. I will join a local home school group, in order to keep up with the social education. In doing this, I will be able to observe Nate in social situations and correct any inappropriate behavior as it happens. We will be using a company out of McKinney, TX called LambCo, ( ). I am very excited about what they do. They are a Christ centered company. I will update more about all of this at a later time. (Again..we ask for prayer in this area.) just dawned on me, that maybe there are readers unaware of Nate's challenges. Nate is twelve years old and has high functioning autism.

Well, that's all I have at this moment.

Thank you for your love and prayers,


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Total Surrender...

I'm not there yet, but God isn't finished with me:)

I am feeling so at peace tonight, almost unexplainable peace. Derek told me today that he does not want to go back to MD Anderson. He does not have peace at all about receiving treatment there, nor does he have peace about the treatments that they have recommended. We have been talking about this for some time, now, and I pretty much knew that this was coming. So today when he told me this, I was not surprised. I have to be honest, a while back when I could tell that he was leaning this way, I was a bit nervous. In the natural, MD Anderson, seems like the logical choice. BUT we have to go with where and what we have peace with, and conventional is not for us. I know exactly why he is choosing to go alternative. I understand completely, and I could probably explain it here and some would understand, and some may not. It's his body, yes it effects us all, and bottom line ~ it is his choice. Now...let me reiterate, he IS receiving treatment. It just will not be at MD Anderson. I AM NOT SPEAKING OUT AGAINST DOCTORS, MD ANDERSON, CHEMO, OR RADIATION. These are personal choices for every patient to make for him/herself. I do not begin to try to know what is right for anyone else. EveryBODY is different. Every one's body reacts differently to different medications, protocols and what not. This is not the way for some, not the way for all, but this is however the way for Derek. To do anything other than what he has peace about would be going against his convictions and I believe would be counterproductive. I realize this will not be the popular choice and might frighten many loved ones. Please keep in mind that Derek is making decisions as a husband and a father. There are countries out there winning the war against cancer. There are countries out there CURING cancer...and America is not one of them. In America, we TREAT the symptoms of cancer, and neglect the immune system (which must be intact to fend off sickness). In places like, Japan, Germany, Mexico and the Bahamas they are having incredible success against cancer. Most of these treatments offered overseas or elsewhere can be received in some places in the US. You have to look to find them, however. If this is what will give us the best chance for a longer life together..I'm all for it!! We both believe it is. Derek is a researcher, and once he has made his mind up about something, there is no changing it!!! I have been praying a lot of things, really, since this thing I have continually prayed for is wisdom for both Derek and I. God in His word, in the first book of James, tells us that if we ask for wisdom that God will grant it. I believe He has.

Here is a website that gives some information on different protocols that Derek believes in: if anyone is interested, or he does not mind answering questions.

It has taken me a short time to get to this place, the same place as Derek. I am here now. I have asked God that if what Derek has chosen is right, to show me as well. Here is why this is so important: aside, from the fact that we are one, no matter how things go, I must have peace. We both should have peace. We want to live with no regrets, no what ifs. We are one minded.

We are excited about how God is moving in our lives. We know that God has a purpose and has provided. There is provision in it the way Derek was created, in medicine, in nutrition, in the wisdom He has given to man and the benefits we receive in knowing Him. Psalms 103 talks about the benefits of Knowing the Lord, it says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, WHO HEALS ALL YOUR DISEASES, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." AMEN!!

We ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers. We cannot put into words, the strength and encouragement we receive from the unified prayers of others. We have been so extraordinarily blessed by our "Christian family", people that we may not know, but that continue to petition the Lord, on our behalf. Some of you who are praying for us, I may not meet, in this life. However, we are in the same "family" :). I love you all!!

Derek wants each of you to know: 1. He feels your prayers!! 2. He feels better than ever, health wise! Certainly not like a man with cancer:0) 3. He wants to focus on the Healer not the healing:) (I must admit, I struggle with that one, myself, because I want it done!!) It is my husband's heart that God be glorified, above all!!

Anyway, I could go on and on, but I will close for now. I am blessed! I am blessed by a God that loves me enough to send His son as my ransom. I am blessed with a God-fearing husband. I am blessed with four healthy children, and I am blessed with friends and family that love and support us. (Again...I consider those of you who do not know us, yet continue to lift us up in prayer ~FAMILY!!!)
We pray God's richest blessings for each of you in the year 2009!!
Love always,
Misty and Derek
PS..We have two Alternative clinics in mind (that we had found on our own)...and then a reference to both from a doctor that we trust (at his suggestion once we told him that alternative is the route we want to take). We will keep you posted:)